Reveal your best self through breath practices from around the world
Experience your natural vitality and vision as you create a pleasurable lifestyle which fulfills your highest values and priorities.
Fitness Evolved
True health and fitness come from improving your physical and your spiritual self. At the Reichian Insitute we offer a wide variety of classes, workshops and training. The benefits students experience from the practice of Kundalini Yoga, Reichian Breathwork and daily Sadhana impact so many aspects of their lives, from improved personal relationships to thrilling new career opportunities and beyond.
We welcome the opportunity to show you the rewards and joy that these practices and techniques can bring to your life, increasing your vitality, creativity, wisdom and overall well-being — in an environment of natural beauty and like-minded people.

Private Reichian Breathwork Sessions
90 minute 1:1 breathwork sessions. Available in Sacramento, Nevada City, and Mendocino.

Weekly Virtual Breath Coaching
I invite you to join me every Wednesday from 7 to 8 pm via Zoom to an experience which will enable you to improve your breathing 24/7.

"I’ve always felt I wasn’t breathing fully. Twenty years ago I underwent massive mantle radiation on my lungs throat and abdomen, which left me with compromised lungs and difficulties breathing.
I’ve gotten amazing benefits from my participation including increased lung capacity, and an ability to create calmness in times of stress. It has also helped me sleep better and in general has given me a greater sense of wellbeing.
I practice all throughout my day. I also do various breathing exercises before I practice music or need to do something that requires focus. It has been such a blessing in my life to find Siri Gian and this breathing group. I’ve brought several friends and highly recommend this to anyone looking to improve their life and sense of wellness."
- Denise DeLuise, photographer, age 68
Our Retreats
Each year we partner with our friends at the Center for Healing and Expression to bring you one-of-a-kind retreat experiences. Click on the links below to be taken to the event landing page for full information!
Release & Renew Intensive
A Valentine’s Weekend Retreat to help you fall in love with life again! Hosted at gorgeous wine country vacation villa in Kenwood, California, with a heated pool, spa, infrared sauna, & more. Minutes from Sugarloaf Ridge State park and incredible mountain hiking and views.
Apply today - limited spots available!

Wellness in the Wilderness
There will be breathwork, yoga, music therapy, songwriting, group drumming and adventure in the wilderness -including a trip to natural hot springs in Lowman, Idaho! The intensive will culminate with either a white water rafting excursion on the South Fork of the Payette River, or a half day hike in the Boise National Forest.
Apply today - only 6 spots available!
What is Reichian Therapy?
Reichian Therapy is a holistic healing approach that integrates breathwork, body awareness, and emotional release to dissolve deep-seated tension and promote overall well-being.
Developed by Dr. Wilhelm Reich, this method focuses on releasing "body armor"—chronic muscular and energetic blockages that store unresolved emotions and trauma.
By working with breath and somatic techniques, Reichian Therapy not only supports emotional and psychological healing but can also help alleviate physical ailments linked to tension, stress, and energetic stagnation.
This process empowers individuals to access greater vitality, emotional freedom, and a deeper connection to their authentic self, while also enhancing sexual vitality by restoring natural energy flow and deepening one’s connection to pleasure and life force energy.
To learn more about this powerful work, click the link below to listen to some great interviews with an expert Reichian Therapist, Michelle Newmark.
What Makes the Reichian Institute Unique
Siri Gian Khalsa and his family of expert teachers provide instruction which combines ancient wisdom with state of the art techniques presented with gentleness, encouragement and humor, creating a very positive learning environment where students can learn to find more joy in their lives and realize their potential.
What students gain from training at the Reichian Institute is not just about content, it’s about transformative experiences leading to a healthier and happier life. We provide a context for students to accept themselves and take delight in who they are and where their life journey is taking them, inspiring them to go beyond their mind’s limits to where their heart leads.
By implementing daily practice as taught by world class instructors, Reichian Institute students re-discover their enthusiasm for what really lights them on fire. Many students go on to utilize this knowledge to embark on new, profoundly satisfying personal relationships and careers. Students come to like themselves more, accept their bodies and their values, and to view their life experiences from a more inspiring perspective.
With the clarity, confidence and energy that result from proper breath, movement and sound, life can be focused on growth and lived with enthusiasm. Achieving peace of mind brings beauty to the feelings about ones self, relationships, and career, resulting in an inspired life, unimpeded by self doubt or fear.
“I have done body and mind work with Dr. Siri Gian Singh Khalsa for 30 years. I have found his integrity infallible. His extreme knowledge of methods to heal and maintain the health of the body and settle the mind can only be outshone by his heart-centered practice and compassion. Anyone who has the good fortune to work with Dr. Khalsa will never regret it.”
- Sue Forster, Sacramento CA